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How to Promote Feather Regrowth in Birds Following Extensive Plundering

How to Promote Feather Regrowth in Birds Following Extensive Plundering

How to Promote Feather Regrowth in Birds Following Extensive Plundering, A bird’s feathers will naturally grow and shed and regrow. Just like we humans regularly trim our nails and see them regrow, birds regularly replace their old feathers. The parrot’s molting process is crucial to the bird’s survival.

Why Do Animals Go Through the Molting Procedure?

It’s the process by which a parrot replaces its old, worn-out feathers with new, healthy ones. The ability to fly away from tense or dangerous situations is a parrot or bird’s most prized property, thus keeping their feathers in good condition is essential.

After the molting process, the bird’s feathers are replaced with new ones that are both healthier and give the impression that the bird has recently been groomed.

Molting Abnormally

For birds, molting is an out-of-season process. Several distinct sources of stress, including a sudden shift in temperature, are responsible for this occurrence. Mating and breeding lead to irregular molts. Birds’ molting cycles can also be influenced by diseases and parasites.

This disorder causes the bird’s feathers to come out in erratic patterns because it irritates the skin. When this occurs, the bird’s new feathers won’t start growing until the triggering variables in its environment have been eliminated and it may undergo the molting process properly.

The length of time it takes to finish molting.

Feather regrowth typically takes between one and two years, or until the next molt. That isn’t always the case though.

Consider the bird’s situation.

“Abnormal Molt” refers to a process that can be altered when a bird is stressed or healthy.

Feather Structure and Function

The protein keratin is responsible for a feather’s structure and durability. List of feather components:

  1. When a feather is attached to the bird’s skin, it does so via a hollow shaft called a calamus.
  2. As the name implies, the rachis is the location of the vanes’ attachment.
  3. A vane is the flattened portion of a feather that was once fastened to the rachis on either side of the feather.
  4. Barbs are the many rachis offshoots that come together to make the vanes.
  5. Barbules – a minuscule extension of the barbs that the barbicels served to hold together.
  6. Intricately interwoven barbules were kept together by tiny hooks called barbicels.
The question of why birds pluck their feathers has always fascinated humans.

Because of their aggressive and hyperactive nature, birds frequently pluck their feathers. Plucked feathers can be a sign of stress in birds. Lack of sunshine, lack of fresh air, diseases like feather cyst, and parasites like ringworms all contribute to bird anxiety, especially in the case of a parrot given its status as a popular and popularly kept house pet.

Skin infections, inflammation, metabolic disorders, hunger, and dry skin from a lack of humidity are additional potential causes of feather plucking.

Food, emotional tension, and most crucially the disruption of their circadian cycle are all possible causes, as can poisoning by heavy metals like zinc, boredom, and allergies to environmental elements.

A circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle in the body’s physiology. Despite the fact that they are kept as pets, birds still require access to their natural habitat in order to benefit from it and feel at home there.

Access to natural light and outdoor spaces would be a positive step toward ensuring the parrots’ comfort.

How to Promote Feather Growth in Parrots
  • Comfort your parrot by spraying it with water twice a day. Regular misting soften the stiff sheath around the pin feathers. When the bird’s new feathers grow, this will make feather removal easier. Misting birds relax them.
  • Give the parrot more rest. During molting, keep your bird in a dark, shady place for 12-13 hours a day. Be patient with your bird and let it rest.
  • Do not pet a bird with pin feathers. In the early stages of development, a bird’s pin feathers are vulnerable and full of blood. Once the bird’s feathers grow in around the hard sheath surrounding its base, you can put it without injuring it.
  • Maintain room temperature for the parrot. Tropical parrots may be uncomfortable in a heated room while molting. If it’s cold, don’t let your bird near windows or doors.
  • When the bird’s feathers are fully grown, you can begin sliding your fingers around the bird’s head and neck to stimulate feather growth. During molting, this aids the bird in removing the flaky covering from areas it cannot reach.
  • Supplement the parrot’s diet with fresh cucumber and more protein every day. It’s a win that the parrot is healthy because it extends the bird’s time here on Earth. By giving them the right kinds of proteins and nutrients, you can make a parrot live longer.
  • Take your parrot to a vet when it molts twice a year. Your bird’s nutrition or light cycle may be awry if this happens. If your bird is molting, process-feed it. Your parrot needs 10-12 hours of sunlight and darkness per day.
  • If your bird’s pin feather bleeds, take it to a vet. When wounded, a tiny pin feather’s blood won’t coagulate. Broken pin feathers can cause a parrot to bleed. An avian vet must remove these feathers. Without action, your bird may perish.
  • Comfort. Try to make your parrot comfortable. Keep your bird in a warm room away from draughts, air vents, and ceiling fans. Your comfort helps your parrot molt. It’s a new beginning for them.
  • Feel your birds’ pain. An irritated parrot may squawk and be uncooperative. Sympathizing with your bird indicates owner support.
The Differences Summed Up


  • Pairs of feathers fall out in a regular pattern.
  • Develops bald spots on its head or wings.
  • Has few if any noticeable bald spots.
  • Feathers can and do regrow.


  • Grasps and yanks feathers out of any exposed skin.
  • Typically, they begin picking at their shirt.
  • Has bald spots almost constantly.
  • Extreme trauma might result in irreversible hair loss.
What Is To Prevent New Feathers From Developing?

Parrot feathers come back slowly, so you may be worried. If a pin feather doesn’t grow back soon, one of these could be the cause.

Injury to the Follicles

Excessive plucking will prevent your parrot’s feathers from growing back. It is common for a parrot to repeatedly pluck off its own feathers as they regrow after being plucked.

Birds risk damaging their feather follicles when they remove their newly grown feathers. When a new feather grows in, follicle tissue might adhere to it, causing irreparable injury when removed. If a parrot constantly plucks, it can develop bald areas.

Malnutrition, or a Serious Lack Thereof

When parrots are malnourished, their bodies can’t operate correctly and they can lose feathers. Since they lack the nutrition to keep their feathers, they won’t have enough to produce new ones.

It’s doubtful that this is the case for your bird, but make sure you’re feeding it well otherwise this lack of nourishment could be fatal.

Health Problems

It’s possible that some parrots have more serious health issues. Oftentimes, a sick or injured bird won’t start showing outward signs of illness until it’s too late.

This emphasizes the importance of parrot checkups. Having a specialist assess your parrot’s health can help you improve its care.


Thus, provided the parrot is otherwise healthy and the follicles have not been harmed, the feathers will grow back. Feather growth will continue for around a year, or until the next molt.

Contact your avian veterinarian if you have concerns about a medical cause for your bird’s feather loss.

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