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Health Issues of Oriental Shorthairs

Health Issues of Oriental Shorthairs 

Health Issues of Oriental Shorthairs, Even though Oriental Shorthairs are generally a healthy breed, they can experience a number of health issues later in life. Knowing about these issues will help you seek veterinary help when needed.

Listed below are some of the most common health issues of Oriental Shorthairs. Keep reading to learn more about these diseases. If you think you or your cat may have one of these problems, you may want to seek medical advice.

Aortic stenosis

Aortic stenosis in the Oriental Shorthair is a common heart problem in this breed. In mild cases, chest radiographs may look normal. In more severe cases, a bulging aorta and enlargement of the left ventricle are common signs of the disease. 

An ECG may also be normal in an affected dog. Aortic stenosis can be confirmed by echocardiography, a test that uses sound waves to visualize turbulent blood flow.

During an exam, your veterinarian will likely order a cardiac ultrasound or echocardiogram. These tests give your veterinarian an image of your dog’s heart in real time. It will also reveal any narrowing of the aortic valve.

 An abnormally narrowed aortic valve can lead to muscle failure or other complications. In addition, your veterinarian will be able to tell whether your dog has aortic stenosis by analyzing blood flow through the heart.

Blood flow obstruction from the left ventricle is the leading cause of aortic stenosis. This narrowing can be above or below the aortic valve. Doppler echocardiograms can pick it up. Aortic stenosis is a congenital heart defect in many species. It has an autosomal inheritance pattern with complex inheritance in monogenic traits.

Bronchial asthma

Chinese Medicine refers to asthma as “Xiao-Chuan” or lung-liver disease. The two terms usually go together. In a healthy state, Lung Qi moves downward to the kidneys, which control inhalation and exhalation. Phlegm blocks Lung Qi when it descends. Wheezing is a classic symptom of asthma.

Endocardial Fibroelastosis

Oriental shorthair dogs may develop endocardial fibroelastosis, a rare genetic heart disorder. An abnormal increase in heart chamber elastic fibers and connective tissue. A healthy heart will have an atrial septum separating the atrium from the left ventricle. Both the left and right atria have a valve.

The underlying cause of endocardial fibroelastosis is unknown, though a history of insults to the heart may be a factor. Viral myocarditis, systemic carnitine deficiency, and genetics have been linked to this condition. In one study, the mumps virus was suspected of causing the disease because the DNA of the virus was found in the heart tissue of a large proportion of patients. The disease is also a complication of the mumps virus.

The underlying cause of endocardial fibroelastosis is unknown, but some genetic studies have suggested a role in cat breeding. Oriental shorthair cats have an ancestor with Siamese cats and have a high incidence of dilated cardiomyopathy. However, it should be noted that the condition is often associated with a genetic condition called patent ductus arteriosus.


A cat presented with clinical signs of acquired thymoma-associated myasthenia gravis was referred for thymectomy. She presented with lameness in her pelvic limb, which progressed to weakness in general. Clinical examination revealed that her serum anti-AChR-Ab concentration was elevated to 5.98 nmol/L, whereas the reference interval was 0.3 nmol.

Fine-needle aspiration of a mass may show the presence of lymphocytes and epithelial cells. Thymoma removal is a challenging and invasive procedure.

Approximately 20 percent of tumors are malignant and spread throughout the body. Complete resection is recommended to ensure complete remission.

Postoperatively, veterinarians schedule follow-up appointments for the dog and retake thoracic X-rays to monitor the progress of the disease.

The diagnosis of thymoma in Oriental Shorthair is based on the percentage of lymphocytes in the mass. More lymphocytes meant longer life. Moreover, most cats and dogs that developed thymomas survived after excision. 

However, this does not ensure a cure. Therefore, it is advisable to seek early diagnosis and treatment to prevent complications.

Although thymoma in Oriental Shorthair cats is uncommon in other breeds, it is common in older pets. It usually starts as a donut-like lump surrounding the intestines and eventually shuts off the flow of intestinal contents. Cats with this disease may exhibit diarrhea, blood in the stool, and sudden vomiting.

Abdominal ultrasound can diagnose adenocarcinoma and plan an effective surgical removal of the tumor.

Convergent strabismus

There are many different causes of convergent strabismus in Oriental Shorthairs. While some of these causes are relatively mild, some are life-threatening.

In some cases, specialists may perform surgery to realign the eyes and correct abnormal eye muscle lengths or strengths.

However, this procedure is generally not considered because of the risks and limited quality of life it can provide.

Therefore, it is best to work with a qualified ophthalmologist to identify any problems that may arise with your pet’s eyesight.

A veterinarian will first do a thorough physical examination. In order to determine whether strabismus is the cause of your pet’s eyesight, he or she will perform diagnostic tests. These tests may include a sedated examination to check for ear disease or nerve damage. 

Your veterinarian may also use a CT imaging test to look for compression of nerves. If he or she finds a possible cause of convergent strabismus, they will perform treatment accordingly.

Some people believe that convergent strabismus is caused by improper eye development. Any age can develop this condition. Cats born with these conditions often grow out of them and get used to them on their own. 

Although some cases are cured by treatment, others may require medical intervention. While some cases are harmless, others can lead to life-threatening vision problems. If you suspect your cat has convergent strabismus, seek medical attention immediately.

Dental disease

No matter what type of Oriental Shorthair you own, a regular routine is essential for oral health. The breed is prone to dental disease, including periodontal disease. It is essential for Oriental Shorthair owners to provide regular dental care, even though brushing them may be difficult.

Oriental Shorthairs need to have at least two brushing sessions per week. Brushing their teeth is especially important if you have several of them.

The term “stomatitis” refers to an inflammation of the oral cavity. It can be a sign of other diseases, or it can be a symptom of Oriental Shorthair dental disease. A sample reimbursement is shown below. Note that this reimbursement assumes an annual deductible of $250. In severe cases, tooth extraction may be necessary. Regular brushing will help prevent the condition from recurrence.

Dental disease in cats is a common issue. About half of all cats are affected at some point in their lives. Various stages of the disease range from gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) to periodontal disease. Dental disease can also lead to tooth resorption, otherwise known as cervical neck lesions. For this reason, it is important to regularly check your cat’s teeth for signs of dental disease.

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